Sunday, May 19, 2013

Filofax, really????

I think I have been on a quest to find the one thing that will keep me organized for as long as I can remember.  Being the Techy type, you'd thing my choices might revolved around an iPhone, Blackberry, iPad, Macbook or something in the same category.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!  Innovation especially!  I can spend hours upon hours, reading various technology stories being published on Cult of Mac and Pad Gadget, etc.  But, as I'm sure I am not the first to say it - My brain requires that I write things down in order to continue and maintain order in my life.

Whether it be a running to do list, or keeping a full on calendar - I always have some system that is always being tweaked in one way or another.  A couple of weeks ago, I was reading Flipboard on my iPad mini, when out of nowhere, I entered a search for Filofax.  Well, that one search opened the flood gates.  I have been obsessed with them ever since.

I loved that no matter where I turned, there was someone showing off their Filofax.  I would go onto Pinterest and there would be hundreds and hundreds of people showing off their setup of their Filofax, or even as simple as people posting video's of opening the box when they received theirs.  At first, I chuckled.  I thought maybe these folks might have lost a few marbles along the way.  But, the more I continued to come across these "obsessed" people in Youtube, Pinterest, Blogs, etc the more I realized these people knew what they were taking about.  These were not those currently fascinated with the newest trends, but people who were die-hard, devoted Filofax users.

Well, after what felt like an eternity (it was only a few weeks), I had determined that I had to have one and even decided on the model.  Remember, I had a lot of suggestions, reviews and video tutorials to help me make my decision.  I purchased my first one from, and it was a beauty!  An A5, Raspberry Finsbury.  I was so excited when I got the email a few minutes later confirming my order.  But, it was short lived.  At 3am, I received another email that the order was on a short wait while they retreived  it from their warehouse.  Oh, ok, that shouldn't be too bad.  By 9am, I received another  email alerting me that the order was on backorder and was not expected until the first week of May.  That meant I would have to wait another few weeks!  Ugh!  I didn't let that stop me.

Through a newly found Facebook group, I mentioned my desire to purchase one and found a seller quite quickly!  Within a week, I had my new Filofax!  This Filofax was beautiful!  And the seller even included some of her own hand-made dividers for me!  They were gorgeous!  Well, that week I also purchased a personal size Crimson Malden from a local store here.  Now, I use the personal Malden (nicknamed Maurice) for things like grocery shopping lists, cleaning schedules, school related items and inspirational quotes and such.  I use the A5 Finsbury (nicknamed Rachael Berry) for Work related items and for my Finances.  I like keeping them separate and since I work from home, I don't need to worry about carrying around two FiloFaxes wherever I go.

I've also purchased a personal size Kendal in brown and a compact Metropol in red, along with two pocket Domino's (one in ultra violet and the other black).  Just think, a few weeks ago I had none and now I have more than I can handle.  And I still want more!  Heaven, help me!  Here are a few pics of my Filofax Family!